P/E ratio is every beginner Investor’s measurement metrics to know the valuation of a stock. P/E ratio is nothing but the ratio of the price of a stock by its earnings. Let us understand how PE ratio helps to buy best stock in the stock market. In a more technical way, P/E ratio = Market […]
How PEG ratio helps to buy best stock in the stock market?
As we all are aware that P/E ratio is not a very reliable and assuring indicator for assessing the valuation of a stock. There are many strings attached to this ratio and many a times investors becomes confused on how they can ascertain the true value of the stock they are purchasing. Hence, an enhanced […]
14 Fundamental Terms used in stock market
To begin your learning in the stock market, you must first familiarize yourself with some of the fundamental terms used in stock market. If you go through any of the statistical data of a stock, you will come across many parameters all in numbers. Understanding how those numbers are obtained is your fundamental task. Just […]